Thursday, June 30, 2022

Weds 6/29 pics - no braided line in back

      Here are the pics form Weds trips with the afternoon ones first. Please do not use braided line aft of the back of the cabin, thanks you. Sailing every day, 7 days, including holidays @ 8 AM and again @ 1:30 PM.  Thanks for looking in.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Weds 6/29 Slow AM - no drift but good PM

      Nice gang this morning and very nice day, too nice with no wind a very little current. Knew we were doomed but we did catch some shorts and keepers but not enough to go around. On the way in the wind kicked up and it made a big difference in the afternoon fishing (catching). I don't understand why more people do not come  in the afternoon when it is not as busy, lees people and usually cooler with the afternoon sea breeze. In this case much better fishing with a limit ans a few with 2 and one keeper fluke. Will post the pics later, but thanks for looking in.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Tiger Tues 6/28 Good AM but no drift PM

     No body sailed on Monday with the weather forecast as nobody showed up. This morning we started out with an hour and half drift picking at shorts and keeper fluke. We ended up with a limit and a nice spread of keepers around the boast. about 30. On the afternoon trip there was no wind and little current to move us but we did pick a few fish with John getting his limit of keeper fluke  and other around the boat along with a whale giving us a little  entertainment. Thanks for looking in and here are pics of some of the fish.  Sailing 2 trips every day, 7 days @ 8 AM and  again @ 1:30 PM.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sat/ Sun 6/25 & 26 Sometmes it's the afternoon.

       People always ask witch is better, the morning or afternoon, I tell them you never know as conditions change and the last two days the afternoon has better for us. Chrissy got her limit yesterday afternoon as did Rob this afternoon, with some with two and one keeper fluke. Also there are less people in the afternoon with usually cooler temps. However we will NOT be going tomorrow afternoon with the weather forecast but will be there in the morning. Here are some pics with today's afternoon catch first on down backwards. Thanks for looking in.


Friday, June 24, 2022

Fri 6/24 Put it together in the AM and ok PM

       We worked a another area in the morning and it payed off.  Started off slow but then we started catching.  For some reason we had people get off in the morning event though we where not even that crowded, but their loss.  No limits but people with 2 and one around the boat along with a lot of shorts. 25 keepers on the boat is not bad for these days. Nice to see an even spread of fish around the boat.  The afternoon proved to be slower with non favorable conditions but we still had keepers  around the boat with Joe Vitale taking the pool with his 5 lber. Thanks for looking in and here are some pics of some of the fish.  Sailing every day, 7 days, @ 8 AM and 1:30 PM , open boat, no reservations needed.