Saturday, September 7, 2024

Fri 9/6 Old guys rule - a show - Not sailng Sat PM

     The fishing(catching ) was not as good as the last two days as there was a big roll and therefore more boats fishing in our area. Not sure if it was due to the roll or the pressure of more boats or did they  just move. We did pick shorts and some nice fish with 91 year old Smiley taking the pool in the morning as did 87 yr old Poppy the day before. Gary, only 71 took it in the afternoon with a 5 lber, most of the pool winners have been in the  4- 5 lb range. We also had the pleasure of watching the USS New Jersey submarine come by us on way to Earl Ammo pier. Took pics with my phone but not the boat camera, and also lost the pics from the AM trip. Not sailing This afternoon with the forecast of rain and t storms as not enough will show up. Thanks for looking in and here are some pics including Poppy's pool fish of Thurs first.

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