Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Monday 9/26 Porgy pounce

    Only had to make one drop on both trips to have a good pick on the porgies with constant action the whole time. We only had a few fishermen on board both trips despite the nice day. The better fishermen ending up with 40 or more keepers (the limit is 50 @ 9 inches) and everyone on board had plenty to take home. The action was so good the 3/4 day boats came in early, before we left for the second trip. We will be trying to sail 2 trips every day weather permitting. We are fishing the ocean but not far out, about a 45 min ride. But if the ocean is too rough to fish there is not much going on in the bay, only one or two spots that hold a few fish. Here are a few pics and hope to see you soon.

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