Monday, June 17, 2024

Manic Monday 6/17 Ok AM and good PM in a cool breeze

    We had a surprisingly good turnout for a Monday but did not have the drifting conditions we wanted. Picking at mostly short fluke and some keepers mixed in as we tried several areas although a couple of guys got their 2 keeper fluke. On the afternoon trip the wind picked up and we had a good drift so we had a good  pick of short fluke with a good amount of keepers, several guys getting 2 like Roger and Jerry from the Star, John took the pool with a beauty.  One guy (did not get his name) who got 2 keepers in the morning came back out in the afternoon to top off his limit of 3. Don't let the weather man scare you about the heat, that is inland and north jersey, as we had a lovely cool afternoon on the water. Sailing 2 trips every day, 7 days so come on down. Thanks for looking in.


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