Saturday, June 1, 2024

Fri 5/31 Repeat of Thurs

     Again we had breezy conditions and cool temps in the morning and then warming up in the afternoon. Just a slow pick on the short fluke with a few keepers coming up along with some skates and dogfish (sand sharks) an only l one or two sea robins. Remember when they used to be annoying, what happened? I believe its because of too many dogfish and cormorants eating the bait fish and probably why not many fluke are coming in. Years back you would rarely see  a cormorant and never had dogfish in the bay, but I'm not on of the the the scientists making the regulations saying we catch too much and increasing the size limits. Anyway thanks for looking in and here are some pics (afternoon ones first) with Juanilde getting a keeper in the morning and again one in the afternoon but Donata took the pool in the afternoon. Come on guys. 

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