Thursday, May 30, 2024

Wes /Thurs 5/29 & 30 Nice day onthe water and sweat shirts to no shirts

    Weds turned out absolutely beautiful with light breeze and calm seas. Again we picked at the short fluke and some keepers but not as many as we would have liked although some did manage two but no limits and don't forget the limit is for the day, not trip and we are only half day. Dog fish and skates mixed in especially when the drift slows down. We had better drifting conditions today and picked a little better but it was chilly with everyone in sweatshirts but on the the afternoon trip guys had their shirts off, go figure. Sailing every day, 2 trips, 7 days a week unless its pouring rain or too windy. Thanks for looking in and here are some keeper pics but none from this afternoon, don't know what happened to the pics.


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