Saturday, May 18, 2024

Sat 5/18 Nice fishing in the Bay

    The conditions were not good this morning so we had to do a lot of power drifting to get a drift. No wind and little current but it paid off for some guys like Tom who got his limit of keepers and we also had another limit, couple with two and one but not bad. On the afternoon trip the breeze came up to give us  a drift so we picked away with Dave (formerly of Atlantic star) leading the way taking his limit out of his double limit of keepers (6) . Chris (also of Atlantic star) taking his limit out of the four he caught including the pool of about 4 lbs. Despite the light rain everyone had a good time. Will the weather people ever get it right? Rest of the week looks nice so come on down. Thanks for looking in and here are some pics, but putting Dave's up first wit the afternoon pics, then morning pics.

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