Friday, May 17, 2024

Fri 5/17 Fair AM and good PM again

     We did not go out the last two days with the weather, wind and rain, but did today with a nice group of regulars on both trips. As usual no drifting conditions in the morning but had decent short action but not as many keeper Fluke as would have liked. The afternoon turned out much better as we tried some other areas, although the boats, not as many, followed us around. Ended up with a limit and a few with 2 keeper fluke, like Shawn who also got the pool @ 4 + lbs, some with one and ok short action. Running two trips tomorrow, Sat @ 8 AM and again @ 1:30 PM., as we do every day, in the bay. Thanks for looking in and here are pics of some of the catch. 

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