Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sunday 6/12 conditons and please listen

     We got out this morning with a nice group but knew the conditions would not last. Made a long first drift picking at shorts and keepers but it was hard to hold bottom.  Ended up in the bay by the Navy pier with all the other boats and did manage to get a couple of drifts in picking at shorts and a couple of keepers. Had calls for the afternoon and tried to deter the them coming down but still some showed up. Went out with a small group and had to stay close to the dock with the winds.  Only a few keepers and some shorts were boated so if if you are not sure about the weather please call and listen to what I tell you. I want you to have a good trip, but do not bad mouth me if I tell you to pick another day and you come any way. Here are a few pics and thanks for looking in.

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