Sunday, August 4, 2024

Fri, Sat, Sun reports - Check your stuff when leaving - Come if you call

     First let me say that I make an announcement every day reminding you to check to see if you have everything. The last few days, shirts and rods have been left along with a cooler, but that was on the dock. Be glad to hold it for you if you call. today we had a decent morning considering the way it's been with a few nice keepers along with the shorts and other fish. Friday and  yesterday; we not so good but there is a nice cool breeze in the afternoon, although it was a little too much yesterday afternoon. We always manage to put fish in the boat but not as many keeper fluke as we like. We did not get out on the afternoon trip despite the 4 or 5 calls I got asking if we were going, only a couple of those showed up and a couple others that did not call but not enough.  So if you are not going to come, don't call and say you are, THAT'S why I don't take reservations! Thanks for looking in and here are some pics.

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