Saturday, August 31, 2024

Fri/Sat 8/30 & 31 It's all about the drift

     Friday morning we had very little drift where ever we went but did pick some shorts and a keeper. The afternoon trip was much better as wind and tide were together, so we picked away at short and some keeper fluke with Don taking the pool and jimmy was high hook with 2. Today was better as the wind died down against the tide(current) and we had ok drifting conditions as we picked away at short fluke, and some nice keepers as Gary came back to take the pool. On the afternoon trip it  was much better as the action was much better catching a lot of shorts, sea robins a few dog fish and nice keeper fluke with Bob Wavro taking the pool with one of his two keepers, his best trip yet. Thanks for looking in and here are some pics.

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